It’s sunny
this morning, and still really cold outside, but for the first time this week
it looks as though the weather might just consider warming up a bit. According
to last night’s forecast we’ve got a warmer weekend coming up, but I’m not
going to believe that until I feel it!
My head is
definitely a lot clearer today- that list making over the last couple of days
seems to have done the trick! I hadn’t even realised that I had so much ‘stuff’
that needed to be sorted out, until I began to write it all down and start to
work through it. This morning as I walk my daughter to school I am able to make
a clear and simple plan for the day- not that I live much by plans, as they so
often get changed for one reason or another. But my aims for today are simple,
if a bit time consuming.
Firstly the
obvious and everyday jobs- wash the breakfast dishes, load the washing machine
and tumble drier, check for dry clothes on the airers and replace with wet… then
a quick breakfast and a check of my emails and website etc.
Secondly I
want to catch up with this blog. On Tuesday I wrote about how pleased I was
that I’d managed to catch up with writing it and that even if I didn’t get each
post published on time, it didn’t matter as long as I wrote each day’s entry at
the right time. I never learn- almost as soon as I’d put the words down life (or
more specifically, my ‘to do’ lists!) started to get in the way once again and the
last couple of days have so far been written in note form only.
They’re still
more complete than the notes I’ve managed previously, but they do need writing
out properly before I can post them. The fact that I’ve done more work towards
each day almost counts against me and gives me extra work to do, as it would
seem a waste of time to ignore the drafted notes and skip a couple of days! It
takes a while, but before I know it it’s nearly lunchtime and I have the last
two days of my life written down and ready for publishing online.
I’m on a bit
of a roll, and really feel like I’m beginning to get somewhere with all this
sorting out and catching up with things. As I’m not particularly hungry yet I
decide to get on with the third thing I want to achieve today- cleaning the
bathrooms. Having got so behind with the housework while I was ill, and then having
had such an intensive catch up last week I’m determined not to fall behind with
any of it again.
With two cloakrooms and the main bathroom to work through, I
set myself a target of an hour to complete all three. I’m not sure quite how
realistic that is, but I make a mental note of the time and then get on with
the task in hand. Three shiny bathrooms later, and I’m pleasantly surprised to
see that I’ve only gone over by ten minutes- and some of that was taken up with
having to stop and answer the phone to Mike!
By now I am
hungry, so I take a few minutes out for a sit down and a look through the
orders I have for working through. It’s been a couple of days since I got any
actual sewing done, so that’s my fourth task for the day. It’s getting quite
late in the afternoon, so I know I won’t get much done today but I do need to
make up the little blanket to complete the order I was working through on
Tuesday. Once finished I take both the blanket and the bedding set upstairs-
ready to be photographed once I come back from picking up my littlest girl from
It’s still
sunny out, if not much warmer, so after a pleasant stroll down to the school I
spread the bedding sets out on the bright pink throw I bought as a background
for indoor photos. Catching the light from the sun, they look lovely and bright
and for once it takes me no time to take photos I’m pleased with. I’ll add them
to the item descriptions later on or tomorrow, so for now I’ve just one task left
to complete- making a fish pie for tea that doesn’t taste too much of fish, so
no one complains! This could be the one task I fail with today…
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