Running your own small, flexible business from home, to fit in with still being a full time, stay at home mum should be simple, shouldn’t it? Having biggish ideas to expand the business and be able to afford that extra caravan holiday in the summer as well as at Easter shouldn’t be a problem, should it?

Unless, of course, you have five children and a husband living at home and constantly demanding your attention, have a house that still hasn’t learnt to clean and tidy itself, dinner that hasn’t learnt to cook itself, have commitments to the PTA and the church, and are still trying to sort through the boxed remnants of a past life destroyed in a house fire two years previously (possessions only-fortunately no loss of life).

Ok, maybe then it’s not quite so simple…

Tuesday, 13 January 2015

Back to School - Day Three

It seems it’s not just the children who are reluctant to give up the habits of the last two weeks- last night Mike, although extremely tired at the time, was about to settle down to some programme he’d found on the telly, when I had to point out to him that half past midnight was plenty late enough to still be up! As parents it’s too easy to get caught up in reminding the children that they’ll suffer from too many late nights followed by the early mornings of normal routine, while forgetting that we too suffer from the same problem. A six thirty alarm, following a bed time of gone one in the morning, is not a welcome thing!

Our second youngest daughter also has to catch the early bus from town as her school is in the city, so today’s her turn at getting up for the early lift into town- easier said than done on the first day of term! Our eldest girl is on the early shift it seems all week, so Mike reluctantly gets out of bed, gets up and takes them off, before coming back home for some quick breakfast and heading off to work. Lucky second eldest daughter gets to stay sleeping yet again, while I see our son off to the bus, and persuade our still-very-tired littlest to get up for school. By the time I walk back up the hill from dropping her off, it already feels like it’s been a very long day and I realise just how extremely tired I am.

The day is dull and overcast, incredibly cold, the house is too quiet and for once I feel I could easily just go and curl back up in bed with my book. But I know I’d feel too guilty, so settle instead for getting some washing going and grabbing a cuppa and my computer. I’ve had another order come in last night, and my link through from the Facebook page to my blog has had a few Likes and views, so that’s a good start to the day. Acknowledging that I’m unlikely to be capable of getting anything vaguely resembling physical done today, I settle down at the dining table and decide today therefore has to be an admin day.

Yesterday I didn’t even get a chance for any draft blogging (or is it blog drafting?) so that seems a good place to start. I think I’m getting a bit carried away with this writing lark though, as some of my posts are beginning to look like small essays, but I’ll take a look at that another time and try to edit them before each one is posted. For now, just writing everything down seems to the more sensible option- especially as my brain is also now getting tired, and I still have things to do. I post the second day’s writing on the blog, and also write a separate page all about what my business is, with a link through to the website. After a quick stock check, and making sure that my most popular items are still available to buy after the Christmas rush, I then update the homepage of the website, getting rid of any sign of a seasonal message. There’s a couple of fabrics that I could do with buying more of if I can, and I also need to find a replacement for the fabric I’ve been using for the nightie, so when I get a chance that’s another job I need to do.

With everyone beginning to get home from work and school though, it’s time for dinner so I decide to give up for the day. Admin takes up a fair amount of my ‘working’ day, so even though I still haven’t managed to find time for actual sewing, at least I end the day feeling like I’m actually getting somewhere- at last.

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