Running your own small, flexible business from home, to fit in with still being a full time, stay at home mum should be simple, shouldn’t it? Having biggish ideas to expand the business and be able to afford that extra caravan holiday in the summer as well as at Easter shouldn’t be a problem, should it?

Unless, of course, you have five children and a husband living at home and constantly demanding your attention, have a house that still hasn’t learnt to clean and tidy itself, dinner that hasn’t learnt to cook itself, have commitments to the PTA and the church, and are still trying to sort through the boxed remnants of a past life destroyed in a house fire two years previously (possessions only-fortunately no loss of life).

Ok, maybe then it’s not quite so simple…

Saturday, 10 January 2015

The Weekend

Ok, it was probably a bit ambitious to think I might actually get some work done over the weekend. But that didn’t stop the urge to get on with sorting this blog idea out, and sort through the various bags of trimmings etc. which had been cleared off the dining table and packed hastily away to make way for our Christmas dinner.

Saturday, as already mentioned, was our day for family visitors. As the living room was still under a mountain of presents, chocolates, shower gels, Playmobil etc. this meant an earlier start than we had got used to. Tidying up a bit, so that we could at least make enough room on the chairs and settee for our guests to at least sit down seemed to be a fairly good idea! As did vacuuming the middle of the floor, so they didn’t have to walk across chocolate crumbs, scraps of paper and tinsel shreds!! Mike had decided this was the right time to disappear to the recycling centre, and get rid of all the wrapping paper and empty boxes accumulated over the previous few days, (although he did do the washing up first), so with the children all roped in to help, getting the house looking semi decent wasn’t too much of a painful job!

My in laws brought a selection of lovely sandwiches for lunch, and my parents brought the drinks, so with no cooking preparation to do, for once I was able to just relax and join in the fun- filling all the grandparents in with every detail of our Christmas and New Year, and then playing all the various board games the children had received for Christmas. Dinner was also provided by Mike’s mum and dad, and with another round of games played, our visitors all made their way safely home.

Even though it was late by the time everyone had gone, and by the time the children had been persuaded that yes, it definitely was bedtime, I still logged onto the computer in the hope of getting some work done. I re-read through all I had drafted so far for my blog project, and typed one more paragraph to finish the previous day. Tiredness by now had caught up with me, but as I logged back out, at least I could say I’d actually achieved something- however small!

Sundays are always tricky days for fitting work into. With the morning spent out at church, dinner is never before about 2 o’clock, so the afternoon is only very short. During term time getting ready for the new week at school takes up the early evening, cutting down family or working time even more. With only the two eldest girls back at work and college the next day, at least that wasn’t an issue this week, but by the time church was over and dinner eaten and cleared away, the desire to hang onto the very last of the holiday feeling had well and truly kicked in. The poor paper tablecloth was still hanging on to the last of its life, so I felt it only fair to let it continue serving us until the Christmas decorations are all down. Which meant no sewing machine out for me, but did at least mean several more rounds of games could be played- much to the children’s delight.

While the children ended the day all settled down together with a DVD, I finally got the computer out briefly and, although I didn’t manage any more typing, I did write down some quick notes from the weekend to use when writing this post.

Oh, and I’ve finally come up with a name for this blog idea- it seems to want to take the form of a diary, so Dolly Clothes Diaries it is!

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