Running your own small, flexible business from home, to fit in with still being a full time, stay at home mum should be simple, shouldn’t it? Having biggish ideas to expand the business and be able to afford that extra caravan holiday in the summer as well as at Easter shouldn’t be a problem, should it?

Unless, of course, you have five children and a husband living at home and constantly demanding your attention, have a house that still hasn’t learnt to clean and tidy itself, dinner that hasn’t learnt to cook itself, have commitments to the PTA and the church, and are still trying to sort through the boxed remnants of a past life destroyed in a house fire two years previously (possessions only-fortunately no loss of life).

Ok, maybe then it’s not quite so simple…

Friday, 9 January 2015

The 'In Between' Day

2nd January- always a bit of an odd ‘in between’ kind of day, especially when like this year, it falls just before the weekend. Desperately needing to begin to get back into some sort of normal routine, while desperately trying to hold onto the last of the Christmas lazing around days, the 2nd January is often a completely wasted day. No one wants to get up until at least 10 in the morning, to get dressed, to eat normal breakfast… or lunch… or dinner for that matter. Chocolate, chocolate, and fancy cheese seems to be the order of the day, again.

Everyone knows that the weekend starts tomorrow, and with a house due to be full of grandparents by tomorrow lunchtime, there’s no chance of normality returning just yet. So just for today, nobody even tries to make the effort, again.

Mike’s on a compulsory working from home day, and to be fair he does spend a fair amount of the day doing just that… in between goes of playing his latest favourite driving game on his own computer. Him working does at least make it easier for me to concentrate on trying to get Dolly Clothes up to date, while also trying to catch up a bit with the washing, as the constant blaring of the various television programmes the older children have decided to catch up on is proving to be a bit of a distraction.
Today therefore seems to be a good day for updating the website, and the Facebook page, and maybe doing a little bit more research into my possible blog. My mind is full of ideas for all of these, but with a brain which seems to function exclusively on ‘women’s logic’, the washing comes first as it can be taking care of itself while I spend time on the computer. However, as always seems to be the case, loading the washing machine is only the start- by the time I’ve done that, removed and replaced the washing in the drier, folded both that and the clothes from the airer, hung the poor washing from several days ago onto the airer… its almost lunchtime. Ok, so the late start to the day didn’t help, but it always seems to be the way- the mundane things in life stop my progress with my business. Something else I intend to get sorted this year.

However, after lunch, and another changeover of the washing, I finally find the time to sit in front of the computer. First up, I manage to change my cheery seasonal message on the home page of the website from ‘Merry Christmas’ to ‘Happy New Year’. Ok, nothing too intellectual there, but it’s a start. Next I log onto the Facebook page, deciding that it too should now have a New Year greeting post to replace the Christmas one. I get as far as the actual greeting… and then my mind goes blank. I sit staring at the screen for a couple of minutes, going through things I ought to put, like ‘coming soon’, or ‘look out for’, but nothing seems to fit the status properly so in the end I give up, and delete the three words I’ve actually managed to type.

Then I realise that perhaps my head is so full of ideas and thoughts for my new blog idea that it actually cannot cope with any more thinking. I’m not yet ready to sign up to this idea- I haven’t even managed to think up a name for the thing yet, so, opening up a new Word document, I begin to type…

Several hours later, washing abandoned for the day but with a few interruptions from my lovely family, I bravely dare to show the first draft for my new project to my two eldest daughters and my husband. Expecting to be laughed at, I mentally prepare to abandon the idea and try again with my Facebook status. But they actually seem to like it! Which scarily now means I have no excuse not to go live with the idea. Apart from the fact that it still has no name…

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