It’s a beautiful clear morning and the sun is shining brightly but it’s absolutely freezing out! When I get back from the walk down to school and all the early morning tasks are complete, I take a cup of tea and sit down at the computer to get on with some admin, or maybe some more blog drafting. However, the sun is shining into the dining room at such an angle that whichever way I sit at the table, it manages to either shine across the screen, or directly into my eyes. Curtains for this room are something that we haven’t managed to buy yet with the little insurance money we got from the house, and besides it would seem a shame to shut out such a beautiful day. So, shutting the computer I decide to leave the job until later when the sun has moved round the house a bit.
Walking into
the living room I once again notice the few decorations that are still waiting
around for sorting. This shows me how little time I spend sitting around in
here these days, as normally the sight of them would by now be irritating me
and I’d have found some way of storing them before this. On the landing we’ve
got a small collection of boxes and plastic tubs hoping to become storage
containers for some of this lot, and with the sun streaming through the landing
window this seems to be an ideal time for starting on this particular task. So
I sit contented for an hour at the top of the stairs in the sunshine as the
bead chains from the tree, and the lights and tinsel from the children’s tiny
trees all find themselves new homes.
By now its
lunchtime, and the sun has moved round out of the dining room so, grabbing a
quick lunch, I once again get out the computer and log on to do some work.
Despite managing to get some blog drafting done most days, I haven’t actually written
up the last two days properly, and its concerning me that maybe I started too
big- writing a post every day when I either won’t be able to keep up anything
like this pace, or that I’ll lose interest in it and the blog will fizzle out. An
hour or so later, two days written up in full, and I realise this most definitely
isn’t the case- I’ve well and truly got the writing bug, I just don’t have enough
hours in the day to work on it!
The washing
machine is working a full day as usual, and as I load it up again I notice how rapidly
the weather is changing- it’s now coming over dull and grey and the clouds look
like they’ll burst at any moment. I don’t want to lose the bright and happy feelings
from earlier, so as I’ve had two more orders come in I decide to get on with
some cutting out. Much as it takes up a lot of time, it is at least quite
satisfying as the large piece of fabric starts to take on a new shape, and once
I have a nice pile of pretty fabric pieces I feel like I’m achieving something.
The older
girls have once again finished their week mid-Friday and have arrived home-
slightly soggy, but offering to get their sister from school for me, which
leaves me free to get on with some sewing. I have a nappy to sew as part of a
larger order, and as the towelling fabric likes to shred over everything if
left in its raw state, it makes sense to start with that. It’s also an item
which, although it takes a little while to complete, is easily something I can
finish in one sitting, and has no fiddly fastenings or trimmings to hand sew
With the nappy
complete it’s getting on for dinner time. Mike and I have a meeting for a new
church home group this evening, so I pack away the rest of the fabric and hope
for a nice lazy weekend in which to finish sewing it.
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