Running your own small, flexible business from home, to fit in with still being a full time, stay at home mum should be simple, shouldn’t it? Having biggish ideas to expand the business and be able to afford that extra caravan holiday in the summer as well as at Easter shouldn’t be a problem, should it?

Unless, of course, you have five children and a husband living at home and constantly demanding your attention, have a house that still hasn’t learnt to clean and tidy itself, dinner that hasn’t learnt to cook itself, have commitments to the PTA and the church, and are still trying to sort through the boxed remnants of a past life destroyed in a house fire two years previously (possessions only-fortunately no loss of life).

Ok, maybe then it’s not quite so simple…

Monday 26 January 2015

New Fabrics

It’s noticeably warmer today, but it’s dulled over with a mix of rain and sleet drizzling on us as we walk to school. It’s become a bit of a joke with the class teacher, that every time I go in to our daughter’s class to listen to readers, it always rains! Our eldest daughter has the day off from work today, but has a driving lesson this morning, so after drying out when I get back from the school I get on with my usual morning jobs.

By the time she returns home, full of enthusiasm for driving having had ‘the best lesson yet’, I’m at the computer having already checked up on emails and the website, and am trying to get some writing done for the blog. Having managed to publish two posts yesterday, I don’t want to fall behind again- ideally I’d like to try to get another day further ahead by the end of this week if possible, so I need to make sure I at least keep up with putting on one post each day. I publish the post I was working on, and move on to some more admin work for the website, and add my new Velcro option to some more outfits.

After telling me all about her lesson, eldest daughter takes herself off to find her sister who is once again enjoying her day off college by sleeping in for as long as possible. She’s obviously awake now though, as I can hear the two of them laughing and chatting together upstairs, which is nice as they don’t often get the time to spend together as ‘big girls’ without their younger sisters joining in!

I order some lace for another dress project I’m working on and am just working out when I need to add the next few outfits to the website, when I’m interrupted by the postman- a pleasant interruption however, as he has my parcel of nice new fabrics which I ordered at the weekend. Like a small child, I can’t wait to open the package, and as I take the fabric from it I’m pleased with my choices for the new pyjamas and nightie- I think they will get my youngest girl’s approval too! I also bought a replacement fabric for a very popular dress, and I’m surprised at how pleased I am with that too. The particular dress in question is the most traditional one I make, so appeals to customers of all ages, and I know I’ve even sold at least one to an elderly lady re-dressing her old childhood doll.

After lunch, and with the weather outside turning ever darker, I take the chance to take a photo of my St. David’s day fabric, so that I can add it to the website when I get a chance as the dress really should be available to buy by now. It’s really pretty fabric, and being white based it still looks lovely and bright with the camera flash. It doesn’t actually have daffodils on it as I simply couldn’t find material with any on. Mike, being Welsh, was asked for his opinion on small yellow flowers versus daffodils, but rather like when being asked his opinion on pyjama fabric just said ‘it’s ok’! So I have to assume that I won’t get any complaints when the dress is online…

It’s such an uninspiring day, and despite having the heating and all the lights on, I’m feeling very unenthusiastic about sitting and sewing this afternoon- my hands and back are really feeling the cold today, even if it is officially warmer than it’s been for the last week! I decide therefore that cutting out fabrics for the next couple of orders would be more beneficial, as I can keep moving around and hopefully not feel the chill as much. I pop a programme onto iPlayer as the computer is actually playing video clips properly for once, and spend a nice afternoon preparing for my next few orders. All too soon it’s time once again to stop and cook dinner, but next to the sewing machine is a nice big pile of colourful fabric pieces, just waiting for me to sew them together tomorrow- if the weather warms up and I don’t freeze in the meantime!

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